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March 20, 2024 | Defo News

Food and Climate

In the current issue of Demografischen Forschung Aus Erster Hand, you can find out which regions of the world will be hardest hit by climate change, where people in German-speaking countries live the longest, and how the proximity of fast-food outlets affects people's health. more

March 15, 2024 | Press Release

Do school grades influence parental support?

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) has researched parents' support behavior in relation to school grades. The study shows that low-income families support their children equally regardless of grades, while parents from higher income groups tend to give more support to children with lower grades. It also raises the question of whether these patterns contribute to low social mobility, as parents of high-achieving children from lower social classes do not have the same resources and strategies at their disposal as parents of low-achieving children from higher social classes. more

February 21, 2024 | News | Spotlight

Widening Fertility Differences Between Women Within Different Fields of Education

The birth rate in the Nordic countries has been falling steadily since 2010. Previous studies showed that the decline in first births among childless couples is the main driver of this trend and that this first birth decline was somewhat elevated among those with low levels of education and precarious employment. A team of researchers from the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and the University of Turku has now investigated the extent to which the decline in fertility in Finland varies according to education field. more

February 16, 2024 | News | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Susanne Otto!


We are happy to welcome Susanne Otto to the team in the Department Social Demography.  Susanne will be the responsible secretary for the Biosfer and MaxHel projects and support the researchers.  more

February 12, 2024 | News | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Saroja Adhikari!


The Research Group Kinship Inequalities welcomes Saroja Adhikari as a new member. Prior to joining us, Saroja was a researcher in the Population and Just Societies Programme at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA). She worked primarily on global, national and sub-national population projections using multidimensional population modelling, cultural acceptability of sustainable human well-being, and educational differences in fertility intention and behaviour, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. more

February 06, 2024 | Press Release

More heart attacks in rural areas - better disease prevention needed

In Germany, more people aged 65 and over die from the consequences of a heart attack in rural areas than in cities. Contrary to popular belief, this is probably not due to poorer emergency medical care, but to the fact that more people suffer heart attacks. more

January 29, 2024 | News

Congratulations Julia Leesch


Julia Leesch successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Trends in Educational Homogamy and Heterogamy – Analyzing the Roles of Assortative Mating and Structural Opportunities using a Novel Decomposition Method" at Trinity College Dublin in early January. more

January 23, 2024 | News | Award

“As researchers we have to reach out to the public”

Peter Weissenburger

Diego Alburez-Gutierrez wins the European Demographer Award – a special honor for the scientist who leads the Research Group Kinship Inequalities at the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). In an exclusive interview, Diego talks about what drives his research, what we can learn about violence and war, and what families will look like in the future. more

January 19, 2024 | News | Awards

Two Awards for Xinyi Zhao


Xinyi Zhao won two awards in December: the Jan M. Hoem Paper Award and the Best Poster Award at the fifth IMPRS-PHDS Annual Academy. more

January 16, 2024 | News | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Mariia Vasiakina!


The Research Group Labor Demography is happy to welcome Mariia Vasiakina as a new team member. Mariia attained her PhD from the University of Insubria (Italy). Her major is related to the methods and models for economic decisions. Mariia’s research interests overlap the areas of health and labour economics along with various sociological and demographic topics. Mariia is award holder of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship Program funded by the European Commission. more


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Publications

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.